Saskatoon Events


WEDNESDAY JULY 17, 2019 @ 7 pm

“The Highly Sensitive Brain”

An Update on Migraines from a Functional Medicine Perspective

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Dr. Reid-Ahenakew will discuss:

  • What is happening in the brain when you get a migraine?

  • Common (and not so common) food triggers

  • The role of estrogen and progesterone in migraines

  • Nutrient deficiencies that can be a factor

  • Natural medicines to improve your resilience to stress

  • The role of gut health in prevention of migraines

A registration fee of $25 will reserve your spot. All profits will be donated to LDAS

(The Learning Disability Association of Saskatchewan)

Dr. Reid-Ahenakew, ND

Join us from 7:00-8:00 pm on July 17th at our clinic.

To Register, or to learn more about this presentation:

Call the clinic at: (306) 664-2150

Or email us at:


Feeling constantly overwhelmed in your day to day life? Suffering from the effects of trauma or PTSD? Feeling like you’re in a constant state of information overload? Struggling with stress, anxiety or depression?

If you can relate to this, then our “Reset Your Nervous System” yoga-somatic experience fusion class will benefit you.

When: Tuesdays (March 19 - April 16)

Time: 6:45 pm - 8:00 pm

Where: Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine: 14-118 Cope Crescent, Saskatoon

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Over 5 weeks, this NEW program will teach you how to:

  • Reset and restart your nervous system

  • Restore your connection between your mind & body

  • Find inner balance and increase your resiliency & vitality

  • Carve time out of every day for your mind to rest & reset

  • Gain an understanding of the power & benefits of Somatic Experience (SE) through education and practice

  • Connect with others who understand you

    Program Cost: $119

    Small Group Format (maximum 10 participants)

    This new program will be lead by Colleen McBride MSW RSW. Colleen earned her MSW from the University of Regina and is a Registered Social Worker. She has worked as a clinical social worker in Mental Health and Cancer Care. Colleen also has extensive training through Dr. Peter Levine’s Trauma Institute and teaches trauma-informed SE yoga classes.

The entire cost of this program may be covered by many extended health care plans

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To register or to learn more about how this program can benefit you:

Call Colleen at: (306) 460-8850 Or email her at:


Interested in learning more about Healthy Living in today’s world? Feeling that you could be more vibrant both physically and emotionally? Confused by information overload?

You’ll want to attend Dr. Reid-Ahenakew’s presentation:

Lifestyle Habits to Feel Vibrant in 2019: An Update on Healthy Living Habits Supported by Research

When: Wednesday, April 17 & Thursday, April 25

Time: 7:00-8:30 pm

Where: Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine 14-118 Cope Crescent, Saskatoon

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Dr. Reid-Ahenakew will discuss:

  • Changes to the Canada Food Guide

  • The top 3 supplements for prevention

  • The most important strain of probiotic to take

  • The microbiome - sleep connection

  • Who will most benefit from a ketogenic diet

  • Which fish are the healthiest to eat

To Register or to learn more about this FREE presentation:

Call the clinic at: (306) 664-2150

Or email us at:

Dr. Darlene Reid-Ahenakew, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Saskatchewan. Her premedical training was at Queen’s University, graduating with a Bachelor of Physical and Health Education, as well as a Bachelor of Life Sciences. She spent 4 more years at CCNM in Toronto and graduated with her ND in 2001. Dr. Reid-Ahenakew, ND is passionate about helping patients regain their health which enables their ability to enjoy life to its fullest. She strives for clinical excellence, which means continuous research and ongoing education to be able to give patients the best possible advice.


Hormones direct many different systems in your body. They are involved in stress management, thyroid function, glucose regulation, and reproductive health.  

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Join naturopathic doctors Dr. Darlene Reid-Ahenakew and Dr. Amy Velichka on Monday, May 14th for an integrative perspective on hormonal health. This presentation will begin at 7 pm at McNally Robinson Bookstore on 8th Street in the travel alcove. 

Learn ways to promote a healthy hormonal balance to improve the way you look, feel and age. There is no cost to attend. Come on out and bring a friend!