nutrient deficiency

Love the Skin You're In

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It protects and gives you signals from the environment, and regulates temperature and water. We often don’t think about the functions of our skin until it starts to cause us problems – itching, rashes, acne, discoloration, premature aging, etc – all of which can be a signal of something deeper going on in our body. The skin is also a great absorptive surface, for better or for worse. We can use this effect to our benefit for absorbing certain medications or nutrients applied topically (eg. estrogen, testosterone, magnesium), though the absorptive nature of skin also makes us susceptible to adverse effects from environmental exposures that may be allergic or irritant in nature.


Whether it’s limiting exposures to harmful substances, or increasing exposure to therapeutic agents, both internal and external approaches can, and should, be used in conjunction to promote optimal skin health.

outside in

Skin & The Immune System —> Allergies

An allergic response occurs when the immune system reacts abnormally to a substance found in the environment. The substance that provokes the reaction is called an allergen.

3 Categories of Allergens:

  • Ingested allergens - reactions to food or things consumed orally

  • Inhaled allergens - reactions to substances we breathe in

  • Contact allergens - reactions to substances applied on skin or mucus membranes (lips, mouth, groin)

Skin Allergies

  1. Allergic reactions tend to happen after repeated exposure to a substance. The reaction never happens to the first exposure because the immune system must first become sensitized to the chemical.

  2. Once you have been sensitizes, you will always be allergic to it.

  3. Sudden development of allergies is possible.

  4. Even small amounts of allergen can trigger a reaction that can last for several weeks.

  5. With each new exposure, the reaction becomes stronger.

  6. The reaction can spread beyond the exposure site.

  7. A reaction need not happen immediately - it can take hours or days to present.

Allergy Testing

  • Prick testing - for allergens ingested or inhaled

  • Patch testing - for contact allergens

Top Allergens in Personal Care Products

  1. Fragrances

  2. Preservatives

  3. Hair dyes

  4. Lanolin

  5. Synthetic detergents

  6. Botanicals

  7. Nail cosmetics

  8. Sunscreens

Skin and The Immune System —> Irritants & Intolerances

Skin irritants elicit non-allergy reactions, that may be immediate, dose-dependent, and/or cumulative.

Irritant Reactions

  • Irritation is dose-dependent - the more you are exposed, the more severe the reaction.

  • Irritation is cumulative - multiple exposures, multiple chemicals.

  • Irritation can happen after a single exposure.

  • Irritation does not necessarily happen after every exposure (cumulative exposures impact the outcome).

  • An irritant reaction can happen immediately after exposures and can resolve quickly after exposure ends.

Top Irritants in Personal Care Products

  1. Water

  2. Soap and detergents

  3. Fragrances

  4. Botanicals

  5. Alcohol

  6. Abrasive scrubs

  7. Vitamin A derivatives and Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA)

  8. Shampoos and conditioners

inside out

Your skin is also reflective of what is going on within your body. We see this often with certain conditions that have dermatologic manifestations, such as Celiac disease (dermatitis herpetiformis), systemic lupus erythematosus (malar erythema), PCOS (acne) and many others. Aside from diagnosable pathologies, functional imbalances and other factors can also impact the quality and health of our skin. These may include:

  • Inflammation

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Diet

  • Digestive issues

  • Food sensitivities

  • Sun exposure

  • Stress

  • Nutrient deficiencies

  • Immune dysfunction

  • Medications or supplements

  • Smoking

  • Infections

Skin problems are often multifactorial, and as such often require a multi-factorial approach. Whether you are addressing the symptoms of chronic disease or looking to improve the appearance and health of your skin overall, optimizing and correcting any one or several of these factors may be necessary to achieve desired results.


Deciding where to start can be overwhelming. With no shortage of information online, many times patients are confronted with information and option overload. A detailed history taking with a health professional can help to narrow down areas to focus on and get you started on a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs to help you love the skin you’re in.

In health,

Dr. Jacalyn Sieben, ND

PS - for more information about a holistic Outside-In approach I highly recommend the book referenced below.


Skotnicki, S. (2018). Beyond soap: The real truth about what you are doing to your skin and how to fix it for a beautiful, healthy glow. Penguin Random House.

From Cloudy to Clear: Naturopathic Approaches to Combat Brain Fog

Have you noticed that your brain has been feeling like a haze lately? Maybe you’re having concentration difficulties or can’t recall familiar places or items as easily. Have you been repeating parts of a conversation over and over again?

You might be experiencing what is known as “brain fog” - a term often used to describe a state of mental cloudiness or cognitive dysfunction which can significantly impair one’s ability to function optimally in daily life. Brain fog is commonly associated with conditions like fibromyalgia, hormonal imbalances, and chronic fatigue syndrome, and underlying causes can vary widely from person to person. As naturopathic doctors, our approach involves diving deeper in the root causes of brain fog and utilizing various tools and tests to uncover underlying imbalances and provide individualized treatment strategies.


The tools that a naturopathic doctor may use to investigate can include the following:

Hormone testing – hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid dysfunction or adrenal fatigue can lead to impairments in cognitive function.

Metabolic assessments – blood sugar imbalances and insulin resistance has been shown to affect cognitive function, so your ND may want to test fasting blood glucose, fasting blood insulin, and HbA1c.

Nutrient deficiencies – screening for low iron, vitamin B12 or Vitamin D levels is recommended.

Markers of inflammation – hs-CRP and ESR may be tested within the bloodstream since inflammation has been shown to be triggered by various poor diet and lifestyle choices and external stressors and infections. 

Food sensitivity tests – food sensitivities which are IgG-mediated can lead to inflammation within the body and manifest as cognitive symptoms.

Environmental exposures – exposures to heavy metals, pesticides, mold and other toxins have been shown to impair cognitive function.


As naturopathic doctors, our focus lies in identifying and addressing the root causes of brain fog using a combination of conventional laboratory tests, functional assessments, and lifestyle modifications. By addressing these nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, metabolic dysregulation, inflammation, food sensitivities and environmental exposures, we can help patients regain mental clarity and improve their overall well-being.

In good health,

Dr. Sami Leung, ND



  1. Ettleson, M. D., Raine, A., Batistuzzo, A., Batista, S. P., McAninch, E., Teixeira, M. C. T., ... & Bianco, A. C. (2022). Brain fog in hypothyroidism: Understanding the patient’s perspective. Endocrine Practice28(3), 257-264.

  2. Fog, W. C. B. Causes of Brain Fog: Does Brain Fog Begin In Your Gut?

  3. Lucius, K. (2021). “Brain Fog”: Exploring a Symptom Commonly Encountered in Clinical Practice. Alternative and Complementary Therapies27(1), 23-30.

  4. Schmidt, S. (2019). Brain Fog: Does air pollution make us less productive?

  5. Wilson, L. (2008). Brain fog. The Center for Development. Retrieved on October 9, 2009.

  6. Yoshimura, H. (2023). Functional Medicine for Mental Clarity: Combating Brain Fog Naturally. Mental Health.

Optimize Your Health During Nutrition Month!


March is Nutrition Month! Nutrition is the study of how we, through our diets, get the nutrients we need to live. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”, a quote attributed to Hippocrates, is a simple but powerful statement on the importance of our diet. Optimizing nutrition status - making our diets as healthy as possible - is one of the foundational goals in improving our health at every age.


A diet providing all of the nutrients we not only need to live, but need to live healthy lives, is dependent on many factors. We can generalize what a healthy diet looks like for the majority of people, however it is important to be aware of certain factors that can impact an individual’s nutritional requirements. For example, those who are pregnant will have different nutritional requirements than others. Additionally, certain medical conditions, treatments and even some medications can impact proper absorption of nutrients. Optimal nutrition is also a public health issue - for example, low socioeconomic status is associated with poorer nutrition [1] - possibly because it can be difficult to afford or even access healthy foods.

Although the food you eat is one of the most important aspects of nutrition, it is not the only important factor. Nutrition also involves how your food is broken down into nutrients, how well these nutrients are absorbed, how well your body puts these nutrients to use, and finally how well your body eliminates what it no longer needs and protects you from potentially toxic substances. 

How can a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) help optimize your nutrition? NDs have extensive training in nutrition, and can offer a variety of services and assessments to support your individual nutritional needs:

  • Lab testing to assess for nutritional deficiencies or conditions associated with nutritional deficiencies

  • Education surrounding appropriate diets for your health status and goals

  • Expertise on all aspects of digestion, including optimizing the absorption of nutrients and supporting your body’s ability to eliminate waste products

  • Assessing your current diet and making recommendations to support an optimal diet

  • Addressing obstacles that come up (ie. financial, accessibility, resources) that make it difficult to make healthier changes

  • Providing expertise on what nutritional supplements may be helpful for you

Interested in optimizing your nutrition? Book an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors today!

[1] Alkerwi A, Vernier C, Sauvageot N et al. Demographic and socioeconomic disparity in nutrition: application of a novel Correlated Component Regression approach. BMJ Open. 2015; 5(5):e006814.


WEDNESDAY JULY 17, 2019 @ 7 pm

“The Highly Sensitive Brain”

An Update on Migraines from a Functional Medicine Perspective

Dr. Reid-Ahenakew.jpg

Dr. Reid-Ahenakew will discuss:

  • What is happening in the brain when you get a migraine?

  • Common (and not so common) food triggers

  • The role of estrogen and progesterone in migraines

  • Nutrient deficiencies that can be a factor

  • Natural medicines to improve your resilience to stress

  • The role of gut health in prevention of migraines

A registration fee of $25 will reserve your spot. All profits will be donated to LDAS

(The Learning Disability Association of Saskatchewan)

Dr. Reid-Ahenakew, ND

Join us from 7:00-8:00 pm on July 17th at our clinic.

To Register, or to learn more about this presentation:

Call the clinic at: (306) 664-2150

Or email us at: