somatic experience

Welcome Joan Markentin - Physical Therapist


Physical Therapist - Joan Markentin

We are excited to announce that Joan Markentin, PT, SEP, has joined our team at Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine. 

Hello! My name is Joan Markentin. I am a Physical Therapist and have been working in Rosthern for the past 22 years. I have just returned from a learning adventure Down Under in preparation for opening my private Physiotherapy Practice, SE Physical Therapy. Somatic Experiencing gives me a new way to work with symptoms such as severe pain that are difficult to diagnose and treat and have not responded to traditional treatments. The symptoms may be labelled as psychosomatic or “all in your head”. They may be related to an injury or surgery but often don’t seem directly connected. Through working with the nervous system, the underlying causes of the recurring symptoms can be identified and worked with.

Sydney, Australia is a place I can pursue all of my favourite activities in, on and under the ocean. In my younger years I was a competitive sailor so it was great fun to jump back in a Laser sailboat to race on Sydney Harbour! Between the fun, I completed my Advanced Somatic Experiencing (R) Training and the Visceral and Deep Shock Module of Kathy Kain’s Touch Skills for Therapists. I am excited to join the team of professionals at Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine to put this new knowledge and skill set into practice.

I will be accepting new clients starting on Friday, April 5th. Please contact me directly to book appointments at 306-716-4000.