relaxation massage saskatoon


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Have you ever been on a massage table and feel like you are going to fall asleep or have fallen asleep? You know then how beneficial massage can be for relaxation and for stress reduction. You may also know that the night after receiving a massage treatment you generally sleep better than other nights. 

Many people experience insomnia at some point in time. Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. If you experience stress or anxiety this can increase your odds of experiencing insomnia. Relaxation massage can help with insomnia by decreasing stress levels in the body. Your massage therapist may also teach you diaphragmatic breathing techniques. Massage therapy can provide benefits with other underlying pain and stress responses, which can sometimes be caused by a specific conditions such as migraines, fibromyalgia, or cancer. 

Massage therapy is not only good for patients with chronic illnesses but can also be helpful for the caregivers of these patients too. In a study done by the National Institute of Health, sleep quality improved for family caregivers of patients with cancer after therapeutic back massage intervention. Read more here: and

If you experience insomnia, a chronic illness or are going through a difficult time caring for someone affected by cancer, we encourage you to consider massage therapy at our clinic. We currently have two excellent Registered Massage Therapists available and offer several types of massage including relaxation, deep tissue, and myofascial release. Call the office at 306-664-2150 to book your appointment today.