We have some exciting news. The residents of Saskatchewan are now able to access their own health records online! This is an important step in the empowerment of our patients.
As a patient of Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine we strongly encourage everyone to get an account setup with eHealth. This will allow you to update your Naturopathic Doctor on relevant health records including blood work and imagery. Standard blood work and imagery are important in helping your Naturopathic Doctor provide you with a naturopathic diagnosis and properly treat any health concerns you may have.
To set up your eHealth account follow these steps:
Go to www.ehealthsask.ca
At the center of the page click on the box in middle of the page that says “MySaskHealthRecord”
A new page will appear. Click on the green box that says “create account”
It will then prompt you to put in your account details
If you have any troubles creating your eHealth account please contact MySaskHealthRecord at 1-844-767-8259.
Creating an account only takes a few minutes and will be very much worth your effort!