Cancer Care

Integrative Cancer Supports During Treatment for Ovarian Cancer

Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) combined with conventional therapy for ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer is the 7th most common cancer in females [1]. Depending on the stage at diagnosis, treatment typically involves surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy regimens, which have a range of side effects including but not limited to fatigue, nausea and vomiting, pain, insomnia, anemia, and peripheral neuropathy.

A 2018 study published in BMC Cancer looked at the effects of indole-3-carbinol and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in addition to chemotherapy and surgery on overall survival [2].

I3C is a natural compound found primarily in cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, kale, and Swiss chard), and EGCG is a natural compound found in green tea. This study demonstrated that I3C and EGCG as 5-year maintenance therapy given before, during and after platinum-based neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy and surgery significantly prolonged both progression-free and overall survival in patients with stage III and IV ovarian cancer, and also reduced incidence of ascites in recurrent ovarian cancer patients, compared to conventional therapy alone.



Written by Dr. Dana Kolenich ND

Acupuncture for neuropathy in Multiple Myeloma patients

Acupuncture for Neuropathy in Multiple Myeloma patients

Multiple myeloma is a common cancer of the blood, specifically the plasma cells (a type of white blood cell that makes antibodies). Abnormal plasma cells divide rapidly and crowd out healthy bone marrow cells, including white blood cells and red blood cells, which can cause anemia, and also lead to bone damage and other organ damage. Tumors, called plasmacytomas, can also develop within bones and outside of bone.

Treatments for multiple myeloma, like proteasome inhibitors, can cause multiple side effects including peripheral neuropathy. In some cases, the severity of peripheral neuropathy may lead to a reduced number of treatment cycles or possible discontinuation of treatment. Therefore, decreasing the severity and incidence of peripheral neuropathy is an important factor in continuing treatment.

Various naturopathic medical therapies have shown benefit in reducing symptoms and severity of peripheral neuropathy, including acupuncture. A 2017 research study in BMC Cancer examined the effects of vitamin B12 with or without acupuncture in multiple myeloma patients with peripheral neuropathy. The study found that after 84 days of therapy, patients in both the vitamin B12 and the B12+acupuncture groups experienced an improvement in pain, with the B12+acupuncture group experiencing a greater improvement in pain compared to the B12-only group [1].

Acupuncture (18 sessions over 8 weeks) has also shown benefit in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in breast cancer survivors [2].



Written by Dr. Dana Kolenich ND

Fasting-mimicking diet during treatment for Breast Cancer


Fasting-mimicking diet during treatment for Breast Cancer

Cancer cells are well equipped to accumulate nutrients, which are necessary for them to grow and divide rapidly, called proliferation. Short term fasting, which reduces nutrient intake for a period of time causes normal cells to switch from their proliferating or “growing” phase toward a maintenance phase. However, cancer cells are unable to switch off their proliferation phase - and therefore, they are deprived of nutrients, which can make them more sensitive to cancer therapies and increase cell death, all while sparing healthy cells. Fasting mimicking diets have been found to decrease insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which is a known growth factor for cancer cells.

Research in Nature Communications studied the effect of fasting-mimicking diet surrounding neoadjuvant chemotherapy in HER-2 negative early stage breast cancer patients [1]. The study found that reducing caloric intake three days before and on the day of chemotherapy increased the sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapy with no additional side effects compared to those receiving chemotherapy and eating their regular diet. The study also found that fasting-mimicking diet decreased damage to healthy cells compared to those that did not change their diet.


Written by Dr. Dana Kolenich ND

The Role of Naturopathic Medicine in Integrative Cancer Care


Many people diagnosed with cancer seek out the use of naturopathic therapies. It is important to ensure patients implement naturopathic supports under the direction of a knowledgeable naturopathic doctors. Cancer is a multifaceted disease and each individual’s health journey with cancer is unique. From prevention to active surveillance to receiving conventional care, regardless of where a patient is on their cancer journey, naturopathic medicine can provide support through:

  1. Addressing fundamental basics of health: Naturopathic doctors have extensive knowledge about lifestyle, diet, sleep, stress, environmental factors and other fundamental aspects of health. NDs can provide information on optimal dietary and lifestyle choices for pre- and post-surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, as well as during survivorship and for promoting prevention. In addition to diet, naturopathic medicine can support quality sleep,  reduce stress levels, support mental health, and optimize overall health. 

  2. Conventional treatment support: Naturopathic medicine can support conventional treatments through implementing evidence-based therapies that can limit or reduce side effects and that work synergistically with conventional care. Naturopathic doctors are trained in interpreting lab reports and understanding safety and interactions between naturopathic and conventional medicines.

  3. Education and advocacy: NDs provide education to patients and family members with the goal of empowering patients throughout their journey with cancer. We understand the importance of communications and referrals, and we work alongside a patient’s conventional care team to provide patient-centered comprehensive care. 

A diagnosis of cancer can be overwhelming and take a significant toll on a person’s overall health. Naturopathic doctors  strive to learn about their patients and their experiences in order to provide them with purely individualized care, education and empower them and their loved ones to optimize their health throughout their cancer journey.

Micronutrient Testing at Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine


At Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine we proudly offer Spectracell Micronutrient testing, one of the most comprehensive nutrient tests to assess the nutrient stores in your body that will keep you performing at the top of your game.

The Spectracell Micronutrient test allows your Naturopathic Doctor to assess how well your body utilizes 31 vitamins, minerals, amino/fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites (listed below).


Why is this information important?

 Nutritional balance plays a key role in optimal wellness, chronic disease prevention and managing the aging process. Each nutrient in our body is responsible for specific physiological functions that make them unique and irreplaceable. Virtually all metabolic and developmental processes that take place in the body require micronutrients, and strong evidence suggests that subtle vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant deficiencies can contribute to degenerative processes such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. As well, evidence suggests that a lack of these vital nutrients may have a profound impact on the body’s immune system. Eating a balanced diet, exercising and taking a multivitamin may not be enough. Every individual is unique and a micronutrient test will allow your Naturopathic Doctor to see where you might be lacking.

Who may benefit from having the Spectracell Micronutrient test?

Spectracell micronutrient testing can be very beneficial for individuals with the following conditions and disease:

            - Cardiovascular disease

Health is wealth.jpg

            - Diabetes

            - Neurological disorders/Alzheimer’s          

            - Mood disorders

            - Osteoporosis

            - Fertility issues

            - Cancer

 It may also be helpful to get tested if you feel like you are suffering from a nutritional deficiency or just want to stay on top of your health. Some of the signs and symptoms of a nutrition deficiency include: fatigue, anxiety, weight loss or weight gain, loss of appetite, tingling hands, muscle cramping, vomiting, heart flutter, skin conditions, depression, bruising, reduced muscle mass, muscle weakness, diarrhea, hair loss, digestive problems, numbness, nausea, constipation, impaired wound healing, and low libido.

The cost for this test is 620 dollars, which is pricey, but the results may help you save money in others areas by helping you cut out supplements you are currently taking that are not necessary for you at this time, and re-prioritizing the supplements that are truly addressing your body’s needs. For more information on the Spectracell micronutrient test book an appointment to speak to your Naturopathic Doctor or call our office to book in for a sample collection today!

**content adapted from Micronutrient Testing Nutrition at the Core of Personalized Wellness

Naturopathic Medicine Week Presentation

Integrative Cancer Care and Naturopathic Medicine


Join Dr. Velichka ND on May 16th, during Naturopathic Medicine Week for an informative presentation on Integrative Cancer Care.

Learn about the benefits of having a naturopathic doctor trained in integrative cancer care on your team. Dr. Velichka ND will briefly review the safe and effective use of some natural and supportive therapies that may be used to assist patients through their conventional treatments.

Who: Dr. Amy Velichka ND (Naturopathic Doctor at Saskatoon Naturopathic Medicine)

What: Presentation on Integrative Cancer Care and Naturopathic Medicine

When: May 16th 2019 – 7pm

Where: McNally Robinson Bookstore on 8th Street in the travel alcove